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Thanksgiving Traditions

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Let’s kick off this blog with a Feder Family Tradition! Our tradition begins each year on the eve of Thanksgiving with pie-making and a very competitive game of “Cut-throat” Bingo. The tradition of “pie-making” stems from my wife and her closest friends from childhood getting together and making a slew of apple and pumpkin pies. Over the years, this has morphed and been passed on to the children of the “girls” that started this tradition so many years ago. While the tradition has altered, grown and reshaped itself due to various factors, what has not changed is the warmth and the banter that we all have on this fun evening. The addition of Bingo came years later, but is now a staple to our tradition, and only time will tell how long it stands and what the next version will look like. What won’t change is the love and the care the families all have for one another along with the lifetime of memories that have been and will be made.
Posted by scott.feder  On Nov 27, 2019 at 1:54 PM 1821 Comments